Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Knowledge Bowl

1. Four Forms of public speaking:

Informative-helping the audience understand and remember your topic. Requires research on speakers part. The speech is formal and has a visual aid.

Persuasive- Convincing the audience to side with your stance of a topic. Requires research  The speech is formal and has an argument model. Evidence+Reasoning=Claim

Commemorative- Emotional speech. Dedicated to someone who is important to the speaker. Speech has metaphors and imagery.

Entertain- This speech is completely for entertaining the audience and making them laugh. This speech is informal, something that would be said at a dinner speech.

2. Define:

Rhetoric- The art of speaking or writing effectively: as the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion.

Audience Centeredness- Keeping the audience foremost in mind every step of the speech preparation and presentation. Adapting to relate to the audience.

Central Ideas- Sum up major ideas. 1. Should be expressed in a full sentence 2. should not be in the form of a question 3. Should avoid being vague or overly general.

Specific Purpose- What you plan to accomplish through your speech. 1. must be a full phrase 2. not a question 3.avoid figurative language 4. concentrate on one distinct area 5. not be vague or general.

3. Four requirements of an introduction:

Central Idea
Credible step---experience/research
Road map/ preview

4. Difference between informative and persuasive?

Informative- the speaker is teaching the audience about something new.
Persuasive- The speaker is convincing the audience to agree with your thoughts- the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing peoples beliefs or actions.

5. Percentage of meaning communicated non-verbally?

6. Left and Right Brain?

Left Brain- logical, rational and organized
Right Brain- Creativity, imagination and artistry

7. Attention-getters- Relate topic to audience, state the importance of your topic, startle the audience, arouse the curiosity of audience, question the audience, Begin with a quote, Tell a story

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