Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Speech Plan for Informative Speech

Topic of Speech: Crohns Disease

Purpose: Informative

Specific Purpose: My specific purpose is to inform my audience about Crohns Disease

Intro:  : Imagine a young man writhing in pain on the bathroom floor. He had been vomiting for most of the day even though he hadn’t eaten anything. His body felt like he had gotten hit by a semi truck going 80 in a 45. He was so weak that when his brother carried him to the car to go to the emergency room, he couldn’t muster up the energy to put on his seatbelt.  This is the story of my FiancĂ© Nathan. Shortly after his hospital visit he was diagnosed with Crohns Disease. 
Crohns disease is an intestinal disease that according to the US Department of Health and Human Services one in five-hundred Americans suffer from. Nathan told me about his disease when we first started dating and naturally I was curious to know more about it so I went and did as much research as I could so I could support him.  Today I would like to tell you about Crohns disease and share what I learned. By explaining first what Crohns disease is, the cause and how it is treated and finally I’m going to share how different Nathan’s lifestyle is since he has been diagnosed with Crohns.  

Credibility: Research I did to be support nathan.

Central Idea: Crohns disease is an intestinal disease

Preview:  Today I would like to tell you about Crohns disease and share what I learned. By explaining first what Crohns disease is, the cause and how it is treated and finally I’m going to share how different Nathan’s lifestyle is since he has been diagnosed with Crohns.  


I.                   What is Crohns Disease? What are its symptoms
A.    Crohns disease was named after Dr. Burrill B. Crohn who discovered the disease in 1932.
B.     Crohns disease is a chronic inflammatory condition that occurs in the Intestinal tract.
1.      The American Society of Colon and rectal surgeons says that the inflammation may occur in any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, it most commonly affects the last part of the small intestine (ileum) and/or the large intestine (colon and rectum).
2.      The inflammation that occurs is nicknamed flare-ups by patients and doctors. These Flare-ups come and go and are very unpredictable. A Crohns patient could go months or years without having a flare-up.
C.     Crohns disease can be confused with ulcerative colitis because Both of these diseases have similar symptoms
1.      Ulcerative colitis only effects the lining of the large intestine while Crohns affects the entire thickness of the bowel wall
2.      Ulcerative Colitis can be cured through surgery whereas Crohns disease cannot.
D.    The common symptoms of Crohns disease are: pain in the abdomen and diarrhea, bleeding from the rectum, weight loss, joint pain, skin problems and fever can sometimes occur. 
1.       Children with the disease may have growth problems. Other problems can include intestinal blockage and malnutrition.
2.      It’s not very common that children get this disease. Its affects mainly young adults from 15-40.

II.                The cause of Crohns and How it is treated.
A.    The cause of Crohns disease is unknown, but researchers believe it is the result of an abnormal reaction by the body’s immune system
1.      National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse says:” in Crohn’s disease the immune system attacks bacteria, foods, and other substances that are actually harmless or beneficial. During this process, white blood cells accumulate in the lining of the intestines, producing chronic inflammation, which leads to ulcers, or sores, and injury to the intestines.”
2.      In other words: People who have Crohns, their immune system over reacts and attacks everything. Causing inflammation to the intestines.
B.     Crohns Disease is Genetic. More commonly seen passed from brother to sister.
C.     People who smoke have a higher risk of getting Crohns and people who come from Jewish heritage have a higher risk.
D.    Treatment of Crohns varies from person to person and also how severe their Crohns is.
1.      Almost always, someone with Crohns is going to need long-lasting medical care and regular doctor visits to monitor the condition.
2.      The different medications and treatments include:   Antibiotics, Steroids, Anti inflammation medication, Immune system suppressors, Biological medications, surgery and special vitamins/supplements.
E.     Some people have long periods of remission.  Predicting when a remission may occur or when symptoms will return is not possible. This changing pattern of the disease makes it difficult to be certain a treatment has helped.
III.             How has Nathans Lifestyle Changed?
A.    Since being diagnosed with Crohns Nathan avoids hard to digest foods like raw vegetables, oily foods and things with seeds when he does eat these foods it’s extremely obvious because he will be in a lot of pain. 
B.     Nathan has to avoid stress at all causes because this increases flare-ups as well.
1.      He makes an effort to take time to himself as much as possible to unwind and relax.
2.      Avoids video games because of how easily frustrated and worked up he gets
C.     Nathan digests his food fairly fast so if we go and do things together we have to make sure that there will be a bathroom around for him to go to. This has never really been a problem except for long car rides but we avoid eating meals during those until we get to our destination.
D.    Lastly Nathan is going to the doctors a lot. He is having Biological medication injected into his body every two months by an IV. It is called Remicade.
1.      Remicade is a fully genetically engineered human antibody that reduces the inflammation that Crohns causes.
2.      Nathan has to sit in a chair for three hours while the fluid is processed into his body.
3.      Even though this medicine reduces his inflammation it of course doesn’t remove it completely. 

Conclusion:  Since doing more research on what Crohns is, the other treatments, and how to change our lifestyle to prevent flare-ups,   Nathan and I have been eating healthier together and learning other tips  to keep the inflammation astray. I'm happy to say that he hasn’t had any fair up in five months. Crohns disease is a very unpredictable intestinal disease that has no cure, but there are many foundations out there that hold annual walks. Mike Mcready, the guitarist from Pearl Jam, has Crohns and has started a foundation and a huge following in hopes of discovering a cure.

Online Analysis of Two Model Informative Speeches

1. What is the Central Idea (thesis) for each speech? 

The central idea for "The hidden world of chili peppers" is to talk about the history of the pepper, why they are so spicy, what to do if one eats a pepper that is too hot and ways peppers are used in other foods.

The central idea for "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact"  is talking about how robots are changing modern medicine, robots such as Orderly robots, remote-presence robots and surgical robots. 

2. How do the speakers catch attention?

The speaker for "the hidden world of chili peppers" catches the audience's attention by explaining what it feels like to eat a pepper. Because of his use of  imagery to explain the experience, the audience very easily to this story drawing them in. 

The speaker for "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact" catches the audiences attention by telling a story about a robot helping a surgeon perform a surgery. The speaker used imagery also to explain the story painting a picture for the audience.

3. How does author of Chili Peppers show credibility? 

He shows credibility by telling the audience that he loved spicy foods and wanted to learn more about why/how the peppers were making his body react in the way that it did. He explained to the audience how he did research on the topic because of his interest.

6. List statistics cited in one of the speeches.
From "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact"
"According to a 2010 article in hospital management, the RP-7 is used in more than 250 U.S. hospitals and has performed more than 100,000 clinic sessions.  

2. How are these speeches "audience centered"?
This speeches are audience centered because they both begin with an attention grabber. Also both speeches have visual aids which hold the audiences attention after the hook is finished. Both speeches have appropriate visual aids that are not distracting. 

3. How do the author's build credibility?

The authors build credibility by explaining how they know about the topic. The speaker for Medical Robots is a medical student and they were interested in these robots. The speaker for Chili Peppers, he had a love for spicy foods and wanted to learn more about why he would have such an intense reaction to the spiciness. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reflection for Welcome to My World Speech

 What surprised you about the presentation and what could you do to improve  time you speak?

I was surprised how easy it was presenting my speech. I was really worried how I would speak in front of the class especially because I was talking about something so personal. The book was right though! Once I got through my intro it was smooth sailing! I was surprised how attentive my peers were as well. I assumed they wouldn't be paying attention but I noticed that I had everyone's eye contact which calmed my nerves a little as well. I would have practiced a little bit more in front of my friends. I noticed that I was crossing my legs and playing with my note cards. I think if I practiced more I would have been more aware of my body.

Answers to The Knowledge Bowl

Group 2 Questions

1. It was important for the Greeks to be well rounded education wise. Rhetoric was important for political reasons in court.

2. *Topical Order- main points divide the topic into subtopics. Ex: Josephine Baker/ activist-> divide Baker's achievements into categories. The main idea would be: "Baker was a multi-talented figure in the fight for racial justice".

*Spatial Order- main points follow a directional pattern. Top to bottom, left to right. Ex: Girl in the video, talked about herself from her feet to her head.

*Chronological Order- Time sequence, past-present-future. Ex: birth to now.

*Cause/Effect- What is to blame for a problem? What are the harms of the problem?

*Problem/Solution- First main point is the problem and second main point is the solution.

3.      Tips for Presentational Aids:
Big enough to be seen in the back
Keep it simple
Make it relevant- explain clearly
Don't pass it around
Use only when discussing it
Practice with it
Don't talk to visual aid
Use font effectively
Use color effectively

4. Guidelines for Ethical Speaking
Make sure your goals are ethically sound
Be fully prepared for each speech
Be honest in what you say
No name calling or abusive language
Put ethical principles into practice

Guidelines for Listening Ethically
Listen courteously and attentively
Avoid prejudging the speaker
Maintain the free open expression of ideas

5.  How to be a better listener
Take listening seriously- practice it be discuplined
Resist distractions
Dont be diverted by appearence or delivery
suspend your judgement-hear them out first
Focus your listening-listen for mainpoints, evidence and technique
Develop note taking skills-focus on keywords and points

6. Intro-central idea, preview, hook
body- meat/information

7.  Focus on one aspect of the topic
State a single statement not a question
Avoid figurative language
Limit to one distinctive idea
Not too vague or general