Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Online Analysis of Two Model Informative Speeches

1. What is the Central Idea (thesis) for each speech? 

The central idea for "The hidden world of chili peppers" is to talk about the history of the pepper, why they are so spicy, what to do if one eats a pepper that is too hot and ways peppers are used in other foods.

The central idea for "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact"  is talking about how robots are changing modern medicine, robots such as Orderly robots, remote-presence robots and surgical robots. 

2. How do the speakers catch attention?

The speaker for "the hidden world of chili peppers" catches the audience's attention by explaining what it feels like to eat a pepper. Because of his use of  imagery to explain the experience, the audience very easily to this story drawing them in. 

The speaker for "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact" catches the audiences attention by telling a story about a robot helping a surgeon perform a surgery. The speaker used imagery also to explain the story painting a picture for the audience.

3. How does author of Chili Peppers show credibility? 

He shows credibility by telling the audience that he loved spicy foods and wanted to learn more about why/how the peppers were making his body react in the way that it did. He explained to the audience how he did research on the topic because of his interest.

6. List statistics cited in one of the speeches.
From "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact"
"According to a 2010 article in hospital management, the RP-7 is used in more than 250 U.S. hospitals and has performed more than 100,000 clinic sessions.  

2. How are these speeches "audience centered"?
This speeches are audience centered because they both begin with an attention grabber. Also both speeches have visual aids which hold the audiences attention after the hook is finished. Both speeches have appropriate visual aids that are not distracting. 

3. How do the author's build credibility?

The authors build credibility by explaining how they know about the topic. The speaker for Medical Robots is a medical student and they were interested in these robots. The speaker for Chili Peppers, he had a love for spicy foods and wanted to learn more about why he would have such an intense reaction to the spiciness. 

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